Geophysical Survey

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Geophysical Survey

Offshore marine infrastructure projects often require specialist geophysical surveys to safely plan and execute construction. Projects including pipe lay, new field development and/or expansion, cable and pipeline route investigation and coastal and civil engineering all require a thorough understanding of the immediate marine environment. Geophysical surveys using a multitude of sensors are undertaken to measure and characterize the site of each marine project.

To assist our clients make sound and economical decisions on the design and installation of offshore and subsea facilities, Oceanscope Services provides detailed surveys of the seabed and below seabed characteristics using specialized staff, survey systems and vessels at various water depths. We undertake pre-engineering surveys to provide information on possible hazards and other impediments to successful engineering projects. For offshore pipeline and cable design and installation, we provide detailed route/corridor information.

In conjunction with our affiliates, our marine surveys are extended to include analogue seabed survey, 2D high resolution seismic survey, and geotechnical surveys to provide, in more detail, seabed and below seabed characteristics such as seabed structure to enhance decision-making on foundation designs, anchor and leg holding capacities.