Positioning Services

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Positioning Services

In support of offshore projects, Oceanscope Services Limited provides navigation and millimeter-accuracy positioning solutions on sea surface using satellite technology and below the surface using specialized underwater positioning systems for Offshore drilling rigs, construction barges, pipe-lay operations, jacket installation, submarine cable laying, drill rigs, dredging, seismic (2D seismic and VSP source) and survey vessels.

Oceanscope Services positioning service is based on leading edge Globally Corrected GPS technology that is stable, accurate and repeatable with real-time integrity monitoring capability.

For the accurate measurement of position and orientation of surface vessels, we operate numerous systems from the world’s leading manufacturers. Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) are used in combination with high grade GNSS receivers to deliver reliable, high quality and precise data in the field.

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Our Advantage

For the provision of highly accurate subsea positioning, we rely upon the world-class hardware and software solutions from various top class manufacturers. Sub Sea Inertial Navigation Systems, tightly coupled with Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), accurate pressure sensor and USBL aiding are one combination of sensors we use to undertake subsea navigation.

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We provide specialist

We provide specialist survey capabilities or support for Out of Straightness survey of pipelines and highly accurate positioning of Remotely Operated Vehicles.